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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Katz Gluten Free (a review)

Katz Gluten Free Bakery

I don't remember how I came across this site but they are FABULOUS!! I think I was looking for gluten free Challah, and I have to say theirs is really awesome. Though.. my favorite thing they make has to be the Cinnamon Rugelech this is the most wonderful sweet I have ever purchased and placed in my mouth. They melt in your mouth, are just the right amount of sweet and crunch, you can eat them frozen or thaw them, they are just WONDERFUL. They have many wonderful products though, I love their Hamburger buns  and their Whole grain bread makes really wonderful toasted sandwiches, its a good size and has a good crumb without being too tough. I just placed my second order with them I will have to tell you when it comes in how wonderful the new items I got (pizza crust and cinnamon strips) are. Given everything I have eaten from there I expect them to be wonderful. Also they offer a nice sample pack . Give them a try, you won't regret it.

Best EVER gluten free substitution list

omg, I so wish I had the time to do this! but I don't have to. The lovely author of JennCuisine did it for us. This wonderful person has come up with an amazing list of gluten free substitutions thats just amazing! 15 wonderful easy to follow weeks of what gluten free is and how things work and what happens and why you should use one thing over another. For those of us who are gluten free Jenn your a godsend! For the rest of the world, look and learn, she did an amazing job (yes, I am really that amazed) and you can use these tips to make even non gluten free items!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ok so I am on vacation.. but...

I heard about "Chef" Damian Cardon, who has decided that Gluten Intolerance is not a real issue and decided to give diners who ask for gluten free food gluten filled pasta without telling them.
"Gluten free is B***S***!! Flour and bread have been a staple of life for thousands, THOUSANDS of years. People who claim to be gluten intolorent dont realize that its all in there disturbed liitle heads. People ask me for gluten free pasta in my restaurant all the time, I tell em sure, Then I serve serve em our pasta, Which I make from scratch with high gluten flour. And you know what? nothing, NOTHING! ever happens! People leave talking about how good they feel gluten free and guess what, They just had a full dose! Idiots!"
In addition, in a later post, Damain comments, "May god help the Liberal hippie idiot who's going to ask for gluten free pasta this weekend."

"Chef" Damian Cardon
Here is what happens to me when I get gluten.

Actually I usually get like about an hour after consuming gluten before the reaction starts but then...

First comes the headache not really too bad until it develops into just short of a migraine this usually lasts for about 12-24 hours. Shortly after I start to feel nauseous, followed usually by at least one vomiting session depending on how much wheat I eat. This is followed by doubled over in pain stomach cramps that last anywhere from 2 hours to 12 hours, again depending on how much gluten I eat.
In addition to this I get the diarrhea this lasts for 8-12 hours depending on how much the intake is from. Oh and this diarrhea, it is also accompanied by joint pain and the feeling that every ounce of energy is exiting your body through your ass as the diarrhea comes out. The joint pain usually goes away after about 4 days of being gluten free.

Okay so my nonexistent hippy condition, doesn't exist, and its all in my head right? Then why is it, every attack I have had since I went gluten free has been from hidden gluten? I go back and look at ingredients, I check where I might have made a mistake and sometimes I don't find the issue, as I am sure many diners who have left your restaurant believing incorrectly that your an awesome chef who managed to come up with a gluten free pasta they couldn't tell the difference from regular (because there was none) only to have to deal with these issues.

So no someone isn't going to come back to you for giving them a gluten filled pasta instead of a gluten free one (which by the way would require more creativity on your part, I know being a busy man and all that you might not have time to be creative but well most real chefs would welcome the opportunity to learn something new.)

A real chef would never purposefully give people food poisoning. So "Chef" you do not deserve the title chef, you deserve the title Moron.